IP Verkko - AS42610 |
Osoitealue: |
AS42610 |
Verkon nimi: |
Tapahtumat: |
rekisteröintiviimeksi muutettu |
Luokan nimi: |
autnum |
Huomautukset: |
Määrittelemätön: |
PJSC Rostelecom (ex NCNET ) Upstreams Clients Direct Peers +----------------------------------------------------+ | NCNET filters out | | inbound prefixes longer than /24 | | MEDs are overwritten | | unless special arrangements have been made | | COMMUNITIES | | Communities sent to downstreams are marked upon | | upsteam type and place of interconnection. | | 42610:yyyy (4 digits) | | | | User-settable communities are derived from | | UPLINKS, PEERS and SPECIAL communities | | 42610:yyyyx (with 5th digit) | | where 'x' is: | | ....x=9 - advertise without prepends | | ....x=0 - do not advertise | | ....x=1,2,3 or 5 - prepend 42610 (1,2,3 or 5) times| | Childs overrides parents | | (i.e. 42610:22009 overrides 42610:10002) | | UPLINKS | |----------------------------------------------------| | 42610:2000x - All uplinks | | | | | + 42610:2100x - Uplinks at MSK | | + 42610:2101x - Rostelekom AS12389 | | + 42610:2102x - Telia AS1299 | | PEERS | | 42610:1000x - All peers | | + 42610:2400x - Private Peers | | | | | | | + 42610:2500x - Private Peers at MSK | | | | + 42610:2502x - MTS AS8359 | | | | + 42610:2503x - Google AS15169 | | | | + 42610:2507x - Megafon AS31133 | | | | + 42610:2511x - Mail.ru AS47764 | | | | + 42610:2515x - Rostelecom CTC AS44237 | | | | + 42610:2517x - NetByNet AS12714 | | | | + 42610:2518x - ReTN AS9002 | | CLIENTS | | 42610:42610 - NCNET | | 42610:3000 - Clients | | + 42610:3100 - Clients at MSK | | SPECIAL | | 42610:666 - blackhole | | 42610:1900 - Backup | |
Ilmoitukset: |
Suodatettu: |
This output has been filtered.
Whois-epätarkkuusraportointi: |
This output has been filtered. If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: https://www.ripe.net/contact-form?topic=ripe_dbm&show_form=true ( Epätarkkuus-raportti ) |
Lähde: |
This output has been filtered. If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: Objects returned came from source RIPE
Käyttöehdot: |
This output has been filtered. If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: Objects returned came from source RIPE This is the RIPE Database query service. The objects are in RDAP format. http://www.ripe.net/db/support/db-terms-conditions.pdf ( Käyttöehdot ) |
Tila: |
Aktiivinen |
Linkit: |
https://rdap.db.ripe.net/autnum/42610 ( Itse )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
Whois-palvelin: |
whois.ripe.net |
Yhdenmukaisuus: | nro_rdap_profile_asn_flat_0, cidr0, rdap_level_0, nro_rdap_profile_0, redacted |